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Covenant is Everything

This morning I had a strange series of thoughts come to me while mulling over the Elementary Principles, referenced in the book of Hebrews, that the early Apostles used to disciple new believers into The Way. While digging into some of this in an exposition by D. Thomas Lancaster, my mind veered off into a bit of a tangent in thought and I decided to embark on a still small phrase that seemed to echo in my head:

"What if the Covenants are also symbolic for the step-by-step process by which we are being redeemed and sanctified into our salvation?"

This became a golden opportunity to review each covenant through a new proposed lens, in no way taking from the literal nature of these Covenants, but revealing yet another layer to the eternal and mysterious facets of Our Amazing God! Let's move through each of the promises made in chronological order.

  1. Promise in Eden proto-evangelium (Genesis 3): The seed of the Woman to crush the head of the serpent.

  2. Noah & "The Rainbow" Covenant (Genesis 9): The Lord would never again destroy the earth by water, He also establishes Himself as Avenger of Blood (Genesis 9:5-6). He is promising never to give up on Creation, that He will not undo the 'separating of the waters' and destroy what He has made. (confirming the Edenic promise as well)

  3. Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 15): God promises full restoration and dominion and rulership of one family that will come from Abraham, later revealed through Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. It is one-sided with Abraham dependent fully on the Lord. (Confirms the previous 2 promises and reveals where the seed will originate)

  4. Mosaic Covenant At Sinai (Exodus 24): God establishes the requirements of obedience for Abraham's descendants to receive the promises given to Abraham. This is a mutual agreement with contingencies given to the body of Israel in order to receive. (Confirms previous 3 promises and adds a distinction of who can receive)

  5. Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7): Promise of Messiah and Kingship and Rulership of David's descendants, ultimate descendant (Messiah). Receipt of the promise is again contingent upon obedience and each descendant who commits iniquity will be corrected, however, the throne will be established forever. (Confirms previous 4 promises and distinguishes further where the seed will come from, and by what method distinction will be made for the seed to carry out the crushing of the serpent and establish rulership of promise 3, and how through the same order of chastisement in promise 4, He will keep this Covenant.

  6. "New Covenant - The Remnant" (Ezekiel 36/Jeremiah 31/Luke 22): The prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah tell of a future Covenant to be made with the houses of Israel and Judah that Jesus confirms at the Passover meal before His crucifixion and resurrection. This covenant reveals that all previous promises will be received by A Remnant (Those Who Remain). It is a promise that in the millennium, The Lord will give His remnant a new heart, sprinkle them with clean water, and pour His spirit into them so they will walk in His Laws (Torah). This covenant was made by Jesus, made possible by His atonement, and confirmed by His resurrection. The future total fulfillment of this Covenant as well as All Covenants from the beginning is yet future. This Covenant shows us that the promises to Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses, were all still being carried out, are true, and not forgotten. Through Jesus, this New revelation of the Covenants will happen.

I see these Promises as literal, but I also just had this idea come to me that perhaps these are also a progressive sign of our process of sanctification that we can follow:

  1. Our Inequity (The distance between our Nature and God's) is revealed to us, at which point we must acknowledge and humble ourselves to this reality. He then promises that this can and will be reversed by Him if we trust in Him.

  2. Wrath, Consequence, Preservation & Salvation - We accept the fact that our inequity is punishable by the wrath displayed in the global flood. God promises that there is a means to be preserved through His wrath and be saved, live and inherit the earth.

  3. Faith is trusting in His promises of salvation, living from that trust, and following Him in order to confirm that we truly believe in the two points above.

  4. Obedience is required to receive the gracious gift of life and salvation offered to us. God has a standard, which is the reality of the universe and we are provided with it in detail and how to live in a way that shows our trust and devotion to Him.

  5. Humility, confession, repentance, and devotion are the qualities by which we continue to remain a Holy devoted person in God. Each time we are given authority and revelation, there is a temptation and sifting of pride which we must continually overcome in order to be brought back onto His path.

  6. The Remnant - If we continue steadfast in the process above and in full submission to the Spirit of Jesus our Messiah and His guidance through the Holy Spirit and His Commandments, then we will be the receivers, we will be part of "Those that remain", the remnant and receive hearts of flesh and be fully filled with His spirit. The proof of this power was provided as a downpayment at Pentecost (Shavuot): a partial first fruits of the full harvest of what is to come.

The Covenants are everything. The Covenants are The Gospel.

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