If there's one message that seems to have taken hold of the health and wellness industry as a sort of unanimous gospel, it's the idea that "There is no one-size-fits-all approach to complete and total health and well-being". I am here today to make the bold and controversial claim that there absolutely is.
As a species, we have gone from a culture full of out-of-the-box programs, pre-packaged meal plans, and formulated fitness routines to the ultra-individual, life-coach laden landscape we have come to accept as 'the way'. What I aim to do, both in practice and in prose through this blog is to explore the time before. Back to a time when fitness routines, dietary plans, nutritionists and treadmills didn't exist. Back to a time when they not only didn't exist, but they weren't necessary. Lifestyle gurus would have been laughed out the barn doors! A time when the majority of the world not only understood its design intuitively, but internally we were driven towards seeking truth versus relative beliefs.
I am here today to begin working my way backwards to find the knowledge and skills that have atrophied for generations due largely to convenience, and I plan to share every bit of truth discovered along the way. Join me as we begin to deconstruct our modern lifestyle into a suburban homestead one day at a time, and maybe agitate a few instagram spirit-guides along the way!