One year ago today I sustained the longest period of fasting and prayer I have ever embarked on in my life. During this time I was called to daily meditation and prayer for Israel and the Jewish people, which I knew in my head and my knowledge is God's will for us, but I spent most of this period asking Jesus to please give me HIS heart for the Jewish people.
You've heard it said "Seek God's will and He will always answer", well I can attest that this is true. The swelling of personal heartbreak, gratitude, and honor given to me over this past year is not something I have been able to put into words successfully. There is a deep ache inside of me, a deep longing to see them restored, to see the partial hardening that was done so that I might be redeemed with the rest of creation lifted. There is an even deeper longing for professing Christians around the world to know the true character of Jesus and who and what He was talking about when He came to us in human form. This year, I am going to spend the same time as last year only this time praying for that same heart and compassion for the western church, to have the same extensive mercy and grace that the Lord gave me my entire life.
I was asked to put together some points for a friend to get some insights into how to pray for Israel, and so of course, I expanded that request to include why we should pray for Israel. Mind you, I was asked to dial my vocabulary down to elementary school level and try to keep it concise, but we will have to seek growth on that second part!
Israel & The Jewish People - Why are they important why should we pray for them?
Our Jesus is Jewish, and the center of creation for Him is Jerusalem.
Israel Became a Burden of God's Mercy for Us (Genesis 11):
When people on earth once again turned away from God, instead of another judgment like the flood, God stopped communicating with everyone else except for one man named Abram whom He later named Abraham.
Through God’s mercy and Abraham’s faith, humans were once again preserved through this one family (just like with Noah). From the time of Abraham until the time of Jesus, only the chosen family of Abraham, whom God named Israel and we also call The Jewish people, were born into a covenant (a promise) and given the mercy of eternal life with God. All others unless they turned to the God of Israel, perished (Also like the flood).
The Jewish people were entrusted with the whole revelation of God (Romans 3:2)
They were given the Law of Moses, which is the way God explains what perfect Love looks like in action.
They were given the oracles (Prophecies/Guarantees) through the Prophets
They kept these things protected so that we all could know for certain who the one true God of the universe is based on the perfection of His Scriptures!
God chose them to bring us Jesus in person and to be a light to the rest of the world by showing us what it looks like to serve and worship a Holy God.
They have suffered so much for carrying this burden since the beginning.
Every generation can point to a time when the Jewish People have been persecuted, hunted, or accused by the world around them.
The unbelieving world is enemies with God and that makes them enemies with His people.
Israel is not perfect by any means, just as we are not, but their very existence is physical proof that the God of our Bible is real, alive, and active. No other group of people, no other set of tribes has ever been spared or remained through half of the troubles they have faced.
God uses His people as a way of showing us that He will never give up on His creation, that He loves His creation, and that He keeps all of his promises. He never changes, nor casts a shifting shadow. (James 1:17)
They are our "Older Brother" :
I like to think of the Jewish people like my older brother or sister. Like the Oldest son in the parable of The Prodigal Son, they understand what it means to be held to a standard to show us younger brothers what it means to serve our Father in heaven.
The father in that story reminds the oldest that he will always be with him and everything he has belongs to him (Luke 15:31) but that the younger son has found his forgiveness through repentance (Luke 15:32).
In that story we see how there is a little bit of anger from one brother to another, and Jesus warns us very sternly about how we feel about our ‘brother’ in our hearts.
Right now our older brother in many ways has not been setting the best example to us the younger brother, and we as the younger brother don’t fully understand just what things are like for the older brother. We have our own ideas about what things mean because we are still sort of young, so sometimes that makes us proud when we should be humble. Our older brother can be guilty of this too. So one of the things we need to pray for is humility between brothers. We need to remember that our Older Brother Israel was born into this family naturally, and we were adopted into it. That is where humility began for me.
Our big brother is under attack from the entire world right now, they are surrounded by enemies that are larger in number. Right here in America there are people in the streets yelling that the Jewish people be punished or even killed simply for being Jewish. Zechariah 12 warned us that this will happen, and it is how God is going to remind Israel that they belong to Him and only He can save them, and also the way God is going to judge the rest of the world.
How can we Pray for Israel & The Jewish People?
Pray that the Jewish people who love God but do not know Jesus yet will begin to read their Bible (TANAKH/Old Testament) instead of only books written by men (like the Talmud and Midrash ) - For so many Jewish people this is what stops them from understanding or seeing who Jesus really is - we do this as Christians too, if we don’t read our Bibles and only listen to what other people tell us the Bible says, we can become really confused about who Jesus is. We see this in the church today.
Pray that the Jewish people who KNOW Jesus (Messianic Jews) who are growing more active in Israel and the US today, receive all the help that they need: prayer, encouragement, and money to support what they are doing to bring other Jewish people to Jesus. Pray for them to keep feeling strong and not grow tired or frustrated and to remember Jesus and the Holy Spirit are there to keep them going!
Pray that we as Christians can take that same advice and stay in our Bibles and read what it says about God’s promises, purposes, and love for Israel and the Jewish people. Pray that we do not grow arrogant against our big brother (Romans 11:18) just because many of them don’t know Jesus - God has caused this for a little while so that we could be adopted into their family! Jesus has big plans for the two ‘brothers’ to become close again, and learn from each other. Pray for us to be humble so that we can be able to speak kindly and find ourselves able to share about Jesus, The Jewish Messiah! Pray for revelation within the Gentile Church around Israel and the context of our Bible so that we might be able to better relate with them and draw each other into fellowship.
Pray that both Israel and Christians around the world can keep going the way Jesus told us to - Loving our Enemies and Praying for those who persecute us - this is the only way that the enemies of God and Israel might be shown what it means to know Jesus, and by doing that no longer being enemies. Pray that we can keep emotions like anger and frustration from taking over when we hear harsh words or see bad things happening and stop and pray for the people doing and saying them. Learning to love them like Jesus does.