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Image by James Coleman

A spiritual journey starting with Abraham's covenant, moving through Sinai's revelations, unveiling the Messiah, and envisioning the coming kingdom.

10 Weeks Starting September 12th
Thursday Evenings 7:30pm

Reconnecting Christianity

In Christianity's early days, a deep connection existed with Israel. Now, as the church honors the God of Israel and recognizes Yeshua as Messiah, it may not consistently value ties to Israel's land, people, and sacred texts.

Learn how HaYesod: The Foundation helps reestablish the bond between Christians and the Jewish foundations of their faith.

HaYesod’s Message to Christians

For nearly two millennia, Christianity has seemed detached from its foundational roots — the Land, the People, and the Scriptures of Israel. Now, the tides are shifting. Disciples are learning and reconnecting to the origins of their faith.

Discover how HaYesod: The Foundation plays a pivotal part in the ongoing restoration of today's disciples.

Bible Study Materials & Teaching by : 

This is a 10-lesson study that will begin :


Thursday Evenings 7:30pm

From September 12th - November 14th

It is important to attend all 10-sessions as they build upon one another. 

Option to join in person or online.

Bible Study materials and teachings facilitated by First Fruits of Zion with open format Bible Exegesis as a group after and Q&A session, prayer and fellowship. 

Learn More about Hayesod at FFOZ. 

I Plan To Attend...

Add the Hayesod Bible Study to your Calendar for automatic updates and changes!

First, please copy the link below. Then follow the instructions for your calendar software:

Google Calendar Instructions

Microsoft Outlook Instructions (Scroll down to the "Add an Internet Calendar Subscription to Outlook" section)

iCalendar Instructions (Scroll down to the "Set up a new iCloud calendar subscription on your Mac" section) Instructions

Please Note: You can safely ignore any error messages while importing a feed into Outlook 2007. This will not affect the functionality of the feed.

Import in Outlook


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